Provider Resources

Tools and information to help improve the provider experience and member health outcomes


Eligibility & Claims portal


Prior Authorization Portal


All Simpra claims must be submitted to Availity OR to a clearing house that has a relationship with Availity. 

What does this mean for you?

  • If you are filing electronic claims, bill with Payer ID SIM02.
  • If you are filing paper claims, all claims must be mailed to Simpra at the address below.
    Simpra Advantage Claims
    PO Box 23607
    Tampa, FL 33623-3607
  • Any questions related to Payer ID or Clearinghouse concerns should be communicated to Availity through your clearinghouse.
  • We will continue to support you regionally at 1-844-637-4770 (TTY/TDD 1-833-312-0044).

Providers Payment Questions:

Providers should contact the ECHO Health support team regarding EFT enrollment, enrollment status, EDI connectivity, or virtual credit card questions.