Nurse Care Coordinator

Your Nurse Care Coordinator helps with appointments and important care needs.

Complete Dental Care

$0 copay, $0 deduductible, $0 coinsurance (in-network) and up to $2,400 annual allowance

Vision Care

$0 copay routine eye exam and up to $300 annual credit for eyewear

Hearing Care

$0 copay for routine hearing exam and up to $1,600 credit for hearing aids every 2 years

Social Companion Support

$0 copay, up to 25 in-person or virtual social visits for companionship and assistance

Over-the-counter Catalog Allowance

$150 quarterly allowance for eligible wellness products and healthy food

Memory Care

$0 copay annual subscription to online memory fitness program

Alabama's Healthplan

Statewide healthcare, created in Alabama just for Alabama residents

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    Your request will be considered active for 12 months
    from the date you submit it.

    Enrollment in Simpra Advantage does not affect your Medicaid coverage. Medicaid pays the premium for those who meet the Low Income Subsidy or qualify for Extra Help. If you are full dual eligible with Extra Help, your premium would be $0. In addition to your plan premium, if any, you must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. Pharmacy providers other than CVS are available in the provider network. Only CVS locations support the Over-the-Counter Product Catalog. Brain HQ is the provider that supports Memory Fitness in this plan.